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val.match( /^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:/i ) && -1 !== val.indexOf( '.' ) ) { val = val.replace( /^\/+/, '' ); val = 'http://' + val; } $( this ).val( val ); } ); }; wpcf7.submit = function( form ) { if ( typeof window.FormData !== 'function' ) { return; } var $form = $( form ); $( '.ajax-loader', $form ).addClass( 'is-active' ); wpcf7.clearResponse( $form ); var formData = new FormData( $form.get( 0 ) ); var detail = { id: $form.closest( 'div.wpcf7' ).attr( 'id' ), status: 'init', inputs: [], formData: formData }; $.each( $form.serializeArray(), function( i, field ) { if ( '_wpcf7' == field.name ) { detail.contactFormId = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_version' == field.name ) { detail.pluginVersion = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_locale' == field.name ) { detail.contactFormLocale = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_unit_tag' == field.name ) { detail.unitTag = field.value; } else if ( '_wpcf7_container_post' == field.name ) { detail.containerPostId = field.value; } else if ( field.name.match( /^_wpcf7_\w+_free_text_/ ) ) { var owner = field.name.replace( /^_wpcf7_\w+_free_text_/, '' ); detail.inputs.push( { name: owner + '-free-text', value: field.value } ); } else if ( field.name.match( /^_/ ) ) { // do nothing } else { detail.inputs.push( field ); } } ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( $form.closest( 'div.wpcf7' ), 'beforesubmit', detail ); var ajaxSuccess = function( data, status, xhr, $form ) { detail.id = $( data.into ).attr( 'id' ); detail.status = data.status; detail.apiResponse = data; var $message = $( '.wpcf7-response-output', $form ); switch ( data.status ) { case 'validation_failed': $.each( data.invalidFields, function( i, n ) { $( n.into, $form ).each( function() { wpcf7.notValidTip( this, n.message ); $( '.wpcf7-form-control', this ).addClass( 'wpcf7-not-valid' ); $( '[aria-invalid]', this ).attr( 'aria-invalid', 'true' ); } ); } ); $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-validation-errors' ); $form.addClass( 'invalid' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'invalid', detail ); break; case 'acceptance_missing': $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-acceptance-missing' ); $form.addClass( 'unaccepted' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'unaccepted', detail ); break; case 'spam': $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-spam-blocked' ); $form.addClass( 'spam' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'spam', detail ); break; case 'aborted': $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-aborted' ); $form.addClass( 'aborted' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'aborted', detail ); break; case 'mail_sent': $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-mail-sent-ok' ); $form.addClass( 'sent' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'mailsent', detail ); break; case 'mail_failed': $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-mail-sent-ng' ); $form.addClass( 'failed' ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'mailfailed', detail ); break; default: var customStatusClass = 'custom-' + data.status.replace( /[^0-9a-z]+/i, '-' ); $message.addClass( 'wpcf7-' + customStatusClass ); $form.addClass( customStatusClass ); } wpcf7.refill( $form, data ); wpcf7.triggerEvent( data.into, 'submit', detail ); if ( 'mail_sent' == data.status ) { $form.each( function() { this.reset(); } ); wpcf7.toggleSubmit( $form ); wpcf7.resetCounter( $form ); } if ( ! 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  • ' ).append( $( '' ).attr( 'href', '#' + n.idref ).append( n.message ) ); } else { var $li = $( '
  • ' ).append( n.message ); } $invalids.append( $li ); } ); $response.append( $invalids ); } $response.attr( 'role', 'alert' ).focus(); } ); }; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: wpcf7.apiSettings.getRoute( '/contact-forms/' + wpcf7.getId( $form ) + '/feedback' ), data: formData, dataType: 'json', processData: false, contentType: false } ).done( function( data, status, xhr ) { ajaxSuccess( data, status, xhr, $form ); $( '.ajax-loader', $form ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); } ).fail( function( xhr, status, error ) { var $e = $( '
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return false; } } } ); }; wpcf7.resetCounter = function( form ) { var $form = $( form ); $( '.wpcf7-character-count', $form ).each( function() { var $count = $( this ); var name = $count.attr( 'data-target-name' ); var down = $count.hasClass( 'down' ); var starting = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-starting-value' ), 10 ); var maximum = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-maximum-value' ), 10 ); var minimum = parseInt( $count.attr( 'data-minimum-value' ), 10 ); var updateCount = function( target ) { var $target = $( target ); var length = $target.val().length; var count = down ? starting - length : length; $count.attr( 'data-current-value', count ); $count.text( count ); if ( maximum && maximum < length ) { $count.addClass( 'too-long' ); } else { $count.removeClass( 'too-long' ); } if ( minimum && length < minimum ) { $count.addClass( 'too-short' ); } else { $count.removeClass( 'too-short' ); } }; $( ':input[name="' + name + '"]', $form ).each( function() { updateCount( this ); $( this ).keyup( function() { updateCount( this ); 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